Labels:book | bulletin board | dialog box | sky | window OCR: Product Details Appleshare volumes Information exchange avai]able to all server uners ovi Appleshare volures appear to With a11 Appleshare slc server complete: control oer how the ProlX)5 8 users as. logical Pro- ProDOS Macintosh, SApue infornarion suserl DOS drives accesscd with In- DOS LISCTS have conmen acocs Network priniers systern DOS storex, volumes ancl pathruanes utilities. and do:uments used from ProTXOS can berver 1 s[amJard b version provides w silored Fxchange Ck. where for the document XLCnLs. necessary Macintesh fornut Appke Fil such Vetwork Writer (with) as the: pur: printers the LaserWrier. Appleshare LocalTalk and spxxolersi, Image- tions Privacy print appcar as locally Access procedures Appleshare He: worksthtion atlached Mrial Jrinler:i and can Accessing is si ...